High up-time rate, 99.9% is just 8 hours of outage per year
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Ku-band and Ka-band data link technology to increase functionality
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Ultra high speed data link with high power VSAT antenna
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Why Choose Us

Cutting-Edge Technology and Cost-Effective Options

We stay at the forefront of technological advancements in VSAT, offering you the latest and most reliable equipment and solutions for vessel communication.


Years of R&D


Team Members


Mb/s speed

Our Technology

High speed VSAT

iDE-tek is a Turkish maritime communication service provider, specializes in offering maritime VSAT (very-small-aperture terminal) services.

We recognize the significance of staying connected in today's digital era and strive to deliver high speed connectivity between ships and shore, covering every corner of the globe.

Our services are adaptable to various types of vessels, including work boats, yachts, fishing vessels, ferries, cruises, tankers, bulk carriers, container ships, freighters, and offshore projects.